Wet Bible left behind
We live on Lancaster Ave in Fort Worth. This street marks the south end of downtown. A freeway used to run over the top of the street. During the day, day workers would stand beneath the overhead roadway awaiting someone to offer them a job. At night a different class of worker would stand on the street offering a different kind of service.
The overhead freeway was removed several years ago, and our street is being transformed into a green walking space. Or at least that is the hope. About four blocks east of our condo is most of the night shelters for the homeless. During the day, these folks are kicked out of the shelters to roam the streets. Lancaster is close and has sturdy metal benches to sit on and read. Many days, one can see quite a number of people enjoying a sunny afternoon. Christmas Eve day was just one of those days. This Bible was left behind then. On Christmas, it snowed. When I walked my dogs that day, I noticed a book covered in snow. Today, I saw it again. Wet and lonely. Sun light pouring down on its pages. I thought about tossing it in the trash, but figured someone might need a Bible that had been haggard and abused.
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