A MIMent In Time

By justmim

"Brother moon...

...Shine down your light on us tonight
Show us the love of God."

-Gungor - "Brother Moon"

This was going to be a photo of raindrops on the window...that was until mum walked into the living room to let me know that the sky had cleared and the moon was out for all to see!

I had been wanting to try a moon photograph since getting my camera (a whole week ago... ;) ) so I donned my wellies, opened up the tripod, clicked in my tele lens and trudged outside. Except... the first few shots just showed a big bright circle on a black background. Hohum. Played with the settings, tried auto, played with settings, about to give up then...Google!

By this point the moon had moved so there was no longer a possibility of framing it with a tree silhouette....but it certainly looks more moon-like.

So it could probably do with better focus and a quick search shows that there are far better moon pictures to be found on blip. However, for a first try, it'll do :)

"The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky above proclaims his handiwork."
(Psalm 19:1 ESV)

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