Taken Up The Back Alley

It was a late breakfast today - I would have called it lunch myself ......... due to SWMBO, No1 Son and Daughter-in-law to be being bone idle and not getting up.

There were some essentials required to be purchased wihich meant a trip into the very busy (although it may not really look it here) Meadowhall shopping centre.
While the wimmin went off to see about the make-up and chocolate, us gents went off to get photo magazines and sit drinking coffee and watch the people rush by.

It came to my mind that I would hate to be the person putting up the lights - pretty they might be, but there are a lot of them and they are very high up.

EDIT Darn it ............. missed another 'Special' day for blips.

Thanks to all who have pointed it out and made me feel rather old - and forgetful

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