By toph

That Joke isn't Funny Any More

When I was 15, the bottle of wine i had at a party, was spiked with mushrooms. Needless I didn't know what was happening and had a pretty terrible night... interspersed with bouts of hilarity.
At one point myself and 3 friends were taken in to the back of a police car, (we were hiding behind a snow mound) and asked our names and where we come from. We were all pretty out of it.
I'm Steven I'm from Abu Dhabi,
I'm Mark I'm from Ankara
... another policeman approached the squad car and i heard him say - Ah there are 52 kids inside the house - this may be a diplomatic incident (i went to a boarding school with lots of diplomats kids). We were hushed out the police car and sent home. I stayed in the trashed party house over night and they next morning begrudgingly ate waffles to the sound I'm Still Standing by Elton John (I wasn't nor am i still, a fan, but I laugh/cringe when i hear that song)
The guy who spiked my wine now lives in the Central Belt and works in Edinburgh. I see him occasionally about town but we don't talk. I tried approaching him on Facebook once but he wasn't really interested. The last time he had seen me was a couple of weeks after the party and I told him off (through stuttering and tears) for spiking my wine. He was sorry but meant it was a joke.
I don't really like practical jokes . I fall for them too easily and I don't like doing them in return - it feels like bullying to me. Once an ex told me a friend had a fat arm and that's why you never saw her in short sleeves. One day (2 years later) i saw her on a really hot day, and i asked if she was ok? it was because she had a tattoo, she didn't like, on her upper arm.
I just don't find that funny
I do hope my current situation isn't the product of a failed practical joke. It did happen on April 1st and that irony* is not lost on me

*do i mean irony? sorry I'm from Ottawa, home of Alanis Morrisette and the diplomatic boarding school I went to. I dropped out of school 8 months after the party. I still haven't graduated. I blagged my way in to College and University, but that's another story...

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