Lost His Head

We spotted this fellow 'wearing' his dog as he pedaled down the street on his bicycle. OilMan pulled over so that I could take their picture as they rode past, but I still almost missed it. Still...this is not the first unusual shot I have grabbed in almost the same place across the street from the Pilates studio. This is a heavily cropped version. I thought the proximity to the senior citizens sign made for an even more interesting photo, although the fellow with the dog was certainly not a senior citizen. Maybe the dog was....

 I had to take my car in for service first thing this morning and OilMan volunteered to drop me off and then take me to class as he had several errands to run.

Caroline changed her day and arrived at 7:30 this morning to clean the house so we left as soon as she got here. In the end, we had lots of time to spare before my class, so we went to Acre for the second coffee of the day before 8:30 in the morning. I should have been flying by the time I arrived in class, but the coffee just made me a bit less sleepy.  

The convolutions of my mind around the lost prescription on Monday are far too complicated and irrational to explain, but suffice it to say that it was never really lost at all. I just renewed the wrong one.  I picked up the correct one on the way home today....we do everything we can to support local businesses which is difficult when it comes to the pharmacy. Our screwed up medical system and the internet have done just about everything possible to run Robert, our pharmacist,  out of business despite the fact that he works long hours and always knows what is going on. I think he is the last non-chain pharmacy left in town. He's also a character.

Jorge (George) came yesterday and took out masses of overgrown plants which have taken over various parts of our garden. He worked like a demon and got a tremendous amount done, so Dana came by this afternoon and we sat out in the garden outside our bedroom trying to decide what to plant in the wide strip of dirt revealed by the removal of masses of bamboo. It was perfect Goldilocks weather today...neither too hot nor too cold but just right. None of us really wanted to move but we suddenly remembered that we had to go pick up my car....

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