
By Yeda

The Balloon

He is finally asleep. Both he and his sister put up a huge fight to remove the loops we knotted at the end of the ribbon attached to their balloons. I just don't get it, why it was so important that the intgrity of their ribbons not be altered. For an hour straight they were two pitbulls and their bone to this issue. It was when I threatened to take the balloons away and pop them immediately did they finally give it up.

So, fast asleep with the balloon anchored to his teddy, Lewis had a good first day back to school. He doesn't wear his emotions on his sleeve, so I was surprised to hear from his new teacher that there was only one incident that was a bit rocky. As part of a teaching game, called Deal or No Deal, Lewis was quized about Mexico. To give him an easy segway into the game he was asked to name two friends. He instantly and totally broke down crying, later expaining to me that since this was his first day, he didn't have any friends yet. I think this also lead to his realization that the friends that he did have are very far away now. I really feel for him.

The balloon was given to him in part to celebrate his first day at his new school. Now it floats listlessly above him, hopfully softening the blow of the realities of his day.

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