and through the wire...

By hesscat

No Sleep Till Boston

And we're off... off to Boston, MA, for a few days before heading inland for a music festival. We re only here 9 days so need to make the most of it. 

Last night it was touch and go whether we could travel... Ms H has been under the weather since Thursday and had been getting progressively worse since... yesterday she was prescribed penicillin which was making her feel sick. So all evening we spent time considering our options but it boiled down to seeing how she was today. She perked up late last night and was still perked up this morning so seemed to be on the mend. It will probably take a few more days, but she's so much better than yesterday to all our relief!

Anyway, this is our hotel for 3 nights, it looked just as modern/trendy as their website showed it. Yes they are bunk beds! I have never grown out of sleeping on the top bunk, but after an afternoon snooze when we arrived, and Mrs Snoremaggeddon below me... I decided to move to below Ms H by the window. And OMG those steps... safe to say, I reckon I've outgrown top bunks!

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