Big Rainbow.

It started raining last night, carried on through the night.  And was still raining this morning.

Had to take my husband to get an injection in his shoulder.  He's been putting this treatment off for years, but the pain is so bad now, he's finally had it done.

It was all done very quickly, and we were back home before we knew it.

The only glitch was he thought he saw a good parking stop, outside the entrance, only to find it wasn't a parking spot at all!  Only problem, I was at a dead end, and there was hardly any room to manoeuvre.

After going backwards and forwards about 10 times, because he wouldn't let me drive over a little kerb, I finally got out.  

I then dropped him at the front door, and went down to the car park.  I should have just gone down there in the first place.  There was loads of parking.

Anyway, the rest of the day has been spent indoors, as it's been raining heavily on and off all day.

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