The Ghost of Christmas Past

Just when I thought another day of rain and leaden skies was going to tip me over the edge into unseasonal melancholy, there was a hefty thump on the mat at the front door, and there through the letter box to lift my spirits was a calendar from my favourite Bellingham Blipper.

We are hoping to see her and Pilipo on our Canadian/ American safari in the spring when we join forces with Berkleyblipper and travel down the west coast from Vancouver to San Francisco, so it was thoughtful of her to send me some tourist leaflets of the area.

This weekend, it's the Hogmanay tourists here I feel sorry for, as they tumble out of hotels in wet weather gear and wielding multicoloured umbrellas.
It can't be much fun sightseeing through streets of rain blackened buildings and roads awash with puddles.

At least at the moment, there are cafes and shops open for them to escape the wet if necessary, whereas having laid on a Hogmanay party to beat all others, Edinburgh will close down on NewYear's Day and the day after and they will be left to their own devices with the city looking like it did every childhood Sunday that I can remember and probably with the rain as well.

I need cheering up - bring out the new bottle of Bailey's!

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