Osprey In The Mist

I'm always glad to see the osprey fishing for his dinner.  I put a shot of him catching it in Extra.

Tonight, after I got my blips I forced myself to put the camera down (no easy task) and just stood watching him continue hunting.  There's something to be said for just watching and not memorializing everything.  I learned that a number of years ago while I was on a whale watching excursion in Puget Sound.   It's not easy to catch whales doing their thing, especially when they breach, so after desperately trying to get the one-in-a-million shot, I realized I had missed the whole event.  I now leave those one-in-a-million shots to the pros and just enjoy the show.  

"My" goose turned up on my doorstep this afternoon all by himself.  Either the flock has gone on without him or he has decided to go it alone.  Either way, it prompted me to rethink the situation.  I took a video of him and will take it up to the rescue folks so they can assess the situation.  I'm torn between just leaving him alone because he seems happy enough, or putting him through the ordeal of capture, etc.  It was a real heartbreaker of an afternoon to look out and see him just lying in the grass by himself.  I'm trying not to anthropomorphize the situation because I think he looked content, but it still causes me a lot of distress to see him limping around all by himself.  I hope the experts can help me out with this one.  

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