Naughty Alexa!
Monday 24th June 2019
I had a friend round for a meal this evening. It had come up in conversation yesterday that she really didn't like the idea of Alexa, or other similar devices, and the way they might make mistakes. To avoid any problems this evening I unplugged the downstairs device.
After the meal we were having a conversation about them in the kitchen and I said I had unplugged it. We were having a good laugh about them when my friend said there was music coming from upstairs. I had the windows open so I wondered whether it was someone outside but then discovered it was coming from the upstairs device! Obviously when we were laughing about it and using the name it had triggered upstairs, though why it decided to play music I don't know. It felt quite spooky. Needless to say, it didn't do anything at all to allay my friend's concerns over them, in fact it made it worse!
After she left I went upstairs to investigate and guess who I found there. The stikbot monkey and boys were still having a laugh at the prank they had played!
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