Amma Gonna Shake, Shake, Shake it off
Himself and I wandered round the allotment tonight - it was empty for the most part of the walk and glorious to walk round.
The heavy rain and warmth has brought everything on well.. our peas are growing so big and tangled; the sweet corn looks lush and green, the carrot ferns are pushing the canopy over the top.
And for the first time we have a glorious, lush, red crop of cherries.
Work was steady today. I had a lot of checking to do today; so I was going cross eyed by end of day! I’m always glad to be home in a Monday - get Monday’s out of the way and your on the way to the weekend
In other news... Stevie and Jess posted their video and it’s a cracker. Have a wee looky - with the volume on. Scotland at its best!
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