Sand Sculptures

Spent the better part of today in my Happy Place - the sand sculptors were finishing up their entries into the annual contest.  It was beautifully clear with these puffy clouds and a good breeze.  Not too hot or cool.  My neighbor, walking buddy and fun buddy and I left at 7:30 a.m. to get a good parking spot and we were successful - a 2 minute walk and $10 for the day.  The conversation never waned from 7:30 to 4 p.m. when I dropped her off at home.  A better photo of my favorite sculpture in extras.  Look in as LARGE as you can and you'll see the skulls hanging from what appear to be dreadlocks.  There were about 8-10 entrants and a couple were 3rd generation sand sculptors. Most prefer sand but some do make a living doing ice and snow as well.  Some follow the sun and only use sand, one uses clay as well.  Interesting.

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