
By DancingAly

Gym Bunny Lou

I had a glorious ten and a half hour's sleep last night, and I feel so much better! 

I made myself do some reports, then went to get my nails done, and Lucy was there by the time I got home. 

We had a good chat today, played with her car, and she ran around barefoot in the garden. She was quite cuddly near the end, probably because she'd not stopped for two and a half hours. When she sat on my lap we were all quiet and then the dog suddenly barked and Lucy said 'woof'! I guess you had to be there.... ;-) She spotted my bracelet and wore it the rest of the afternoon, and every time we asked her "whose bracelet is it?" she replied "nucy's"! 

Her speech is coming on, and she repeated about fifty times "man cut the grass" as we had talked about the noise of somebody strimming next door.It then changed to "mummy cut the grass" as we talked, but not daddy! I said "I think your daddy's allergic to the grass!".  

Earlier in the week I had this moment of clarity at school, when I looked at the teeny children sitting before me, one little tiny girl in particular, and I thought, 'I want this, I can do this'. Then I doubt myself and wonder if I'm just living in fantasy land.  

I'm a victim of circumstance -me. 

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