living in a glass house

By DandelionTree

Christmas- take 2

Chickpea and Monkey woke up today to find that there were presents under the tree! We couldn't bring them all to Epsom where we spent Christmas so they Father Christmas brought them a few days late and Chickpea, at least, enjoyed another session of slow and methodical present opening. Monkey wasn't at all interested and just wanted to watch. Chickpea's big present was (you can probably guess by the picture) a doll house. She loved it and played with it for ages before opening anything else up. Monkey got a bilibo which I think he will have to grow into, but he did enjoy filling it up with balls and dumping them out again.

After opening presents we all went to a slightly belated Christmas party. It was a lot of fun- there was much running around, scooter riding and scooter chasing, a few parachute songs, a kitchen screaming interlude by the kiddos, and good conversation (not during the screaming interlude, though).

Oh, and yes- that is an octopus on Monkey's head. Why? Who knows, It's Christmas!

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