There were clouds in the sky when I woke up at 7.30. I haven't seen clouds for three weeks.
At 8 I heard the cannons signalling the start of today's fiesta. I had hoped I might get into town and see the 9am Giants Procession before my mid-day train but I could still barely walk. So no. My incredibly kind host made me breakfast, then booked me a cab to Toledo station. I asked there whether anyone might be able to help me with my 25-minute change at Madrid. They couldn't organise that, but they could organise me a wheelchair right now, get me onto my train early and put my luggage onto the rack. Kindness.
At Madrid I asked for help and was told there was no-one available. But a few seconds later a train official came up to me and told me to follow him at my own pace (very slow). He led me to the platform entrance where there were two wheelchairs waiting for me, and permission to board early. I think I've said 'Gracias' three hundred times since yesterday morning. This time it was through tears. I am not used to needing help and I spent a long time on the train thinking how powerful it is that when we ask for help and someone gives it willingly, both people feel better. Can we use this human capacity for empathy and kindness to make our world a better place?
The clouds got thicker and as I got off the train at Perpignan it started to rain. I caught a slow train to Sète. Friends met me, we went for a meal and I am being cared for again.
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