Blipping Forty

By Elspeth

Night Life!!

I took a trip into Newcastle late this afternoon. My intention was to take some shots in the train station for a club competition in January the subject of which is 'movement'. However after taking a few shots I was told by the station staff that I needed to 'sign in' with station management which I duly did, but was told that I wan't allowed to use my tripod on station premise for 'security reasons' (load of rubbish). Anyway I duly obliged but it put the spanner in the works for any further movement shots!! Instead I popped outside the station to a bustling Friday evening in Newcastle. Thankfully it was early doors so not too many folk worse for wear. I managed to capture the shot above which I was pretty pleased with and I reckon that station rule did me a favour!

Enjoy your weekend folks!!

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