Henry learns the Importance of Punctuation

Greetings!  Henry Here!

Mom is getting ready for her Summer Solstice party tomorrow so I'm handling the post this morning.  Mom says tomorrow night is when the fairies come out.  I don't know what a "solstice" is but I know all about fairies since my trip to Ireland.  I am trying out my fairy wings and magic wand in preparation but I'm not sure about this sign.  Does it mean I am a slow fairy?  I will assure one and all that I am a very speedy fairy/mouse!  Mom is trying to get my attention...oh, she says look at the punctuation mark after "slow".  I don't know what a punctuation mark is either but she says it means everyone should go slowly as fairies are crossing.  Well, that must mean ME!  Glad we got that sorted out!

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