Such excitement (for me, but I live a very quiet life!) at the Park this afternoon - from being almost dried out, the  lake has been completely reinvigorated by the recent rain. Today there had been a spawning of some sort - millions of tiny specks were zooming around at the edge of the pond ("don't exaggerate" said B, when I told him, but there really were millions). I don't know whether they were fish, insects, snails or something else (top left), but they seemed to be attracting other fish that I didn't even know lived there - tiddlers (top right), middlers (bottom left) and the big koi, which was the only fish I've seen there before. Then I saw a nuthatch who seemed to be excavating a nest in a stump (extra). Look big if you can.

Before all this we had to have someone come and look at the car because various lights were coming on and we didn't know whether it was safe to drive. He eventually found a loose wire and did a temporary fix, which was a bit annoying since it had a major service and "health check" two weeks ago. The garage can't fit us in until 1st July now, but at least we've been reassured that it's safe. Obviously supervision was required (extra).

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