Walk on

Daughter Number 1 asked that we went on a really long walk! She's not going to the gym anymore now that she's moved and is worried about putting on weight! So I took her on the 3 miler in the Ashdown Forest. I love that walk. 

We were approached by a really friendly bunch of riders who were happy to pose for a Blip and allow Bella time to get used to their presence. She was a little nervous but sat quietly shaking while the lead rider chatted to her and allowed her horse a sniff! 

I had work later on and looked forward to Love Island that I am sadly really getting into for the first time ever! I blame Emily!!!!

We had thunderstorms when it was time for bed and I was really worried about Bella. I wanted to be able to get her used to them properly by playing with her in the garden during one but it was bedtime and  just a distant rumble with a few flashes. It seemed extra bright in the snore room with the sky light directly above me so I hid under the covers. Im still afraid of lightning at the ripe old age of 50LaLa but only because it makes me jump! If I had warning of the lightning I would be fine!!!

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