Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

By the Way

Off to Kelso today for various errands. Naturally we had to have some refreshments in a cafe (no cake for me, well, just a corner of TM's). I can't remember the name of the place, but I was a very happy to find it - it has home-made food, second-hand books and a whole-foods section, where they sell laundry liquid, hand-wash, shampoo, etc from bulk containers. I'll be going along with a selection of empty plastic bottle to try these out.

The roadside verges have turned white since the sun returned. I think the plant is hedge parsley but looking it up in the book produced dozens of possible names, and I hadn't an example of the leaf in front of me.

Similarly with the insect, my best guess is a carder bee. That's probably way off the mark. There are more kinds of winged insects than I ever could have imagined.

It stayed dry and quite sunny today, but the sky was full of cloud - an amazing variety of shape and colour there too. (Extra). 

Thanks to Loisbiz for hosting Tiny Tuesday and Miranda for the  Wild Flower Week challenge. 

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