A Sad Story

I did not take this shot.  My sister took it at her house.  This teddy was Mom's - she was given it when she was a baby in 1931.  Over her last few months she loved to hold teddy and he either sat on the chair by her in the lounge or on a chair in the bedroom.  He didn't go to the nursing home with her.  He stayed at home.  My sister found him in the dustbin this morning.  Dad had put him there because he didn't like Teddy staring at him with his one eye.  This has made me so so sad.

Difficult to keep everything on an even keel at the moment.  We went to the dentist for Dad to have his broken tooth sorted out but we should have gone last week.  We have to go back on Friday now.  I took him to the barber's instead as it was nearly empty.  That was the first time I'd been in a barber's shop.  You can see him in extras.  I have spent hours today trying to sort out a hire car for TYM whose engine has died and he needs to be able to get to work for the rest of this week somehow and I didn't fancy going to Worcester at 4am every morning to get him to work for 5am.  Car hire is just a nightmare!  Long story.  Got one in the end.  Just hope he looks after it.

Then we stopped off at Starbuck's on the way home from Worcester, or War Chester as the satnav says it.  We only wanted Fruity Tea Bread and they hadn't got any.  Disaster.

And then I found out about Teddy in the dustbin...  Oh dear.

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