High Coast Path
Our friend Rose has decided to walk the High Coast Path, a long distance trail that starts just to the north of where we live. She'd already done stage 1 about 10 days ago, which stretches from the High Coast Bridge, seen in the distance on the left of the picture, to Lövik, where the road comes down to the sea in the middle of the picture. Now we were doing stage 2 together, which starts from Lövik and heads up this steep hill, with these lovely views from the top.
Behind me is a picnic table where I'll shortly be enjoying a sandwich and a cup of coffee, and a small cottage (see extra).
The little cottage is open all the time and there are several picnic tables scattered around the hilltop. For more wintery times there's a stove and wood.
I do love Sweden and the way people encourage others to come and use their favourite hilltop, in this case by making all these facilities available.
This hilltop is an old "vårdkasberg", a place with a beacon kept ready to light if trouble arrived. There's a good view of the sea and the all the local farms can see this hilltop. The last time the beacon fire was lit was in spring 1721, when Russian raiders arrived and burned down many farms and towns in this part of the world.
For us it's a lovely spot to pause and look at the view.
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