Father’s Day
Normally the yearly father's day starts with me waking up and receiving a present. This year was different.
I woke up, so far no difference. The timing was different though. I woke up at 03.15 am.
I had to get out into a landscape on an assignment. Together with Ron and Ron there was a sunrise to be captured. Since wer'e almost halfway June, that means a very early start. But that's no problem! On the contrary, it was great fun being out there.
We did our thing and I came home around 07.00 am. Nobody was awake yet. What else could I do than hop into bed again. I slept for a small two hours. When I woke up for the second time today, father's day started as usual. I got a nice present, a shower package. The main present I already had a few days ago: my new Cyclo 210 gadget.
We had coffee and lunch at my parents house and later on coffee and dinner at my in laws.
In the afternoon I took the first home grown strawberries from my garden. Summer is kicking in now.
These strawberries then became the subject for todays blip.
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