Vementry Guns

A breezy day again, and a misty morning.  A light shower at lunchtime cleared the air, and a warm and sunny day.  Beautiful sunset at 10.30pm.

With the fine day, I managed to get plenty of washing out on the line.  More outside house work done.  Me, peerie Brian and Marvin Hutchison set to and got the gable end of the house harled.  A buzz around the garden, more bumblebees, but what really got me was the hundreds of Red Admirals and Painted Lady butterflies.  Mam popped along, and we headed to Voe, met Marvin and headed out on the boat for a run.  Left the isles at sunset, arrived on dry land again bang on midnight. 

Marvin offered a run on the boat, so it wasn't something to turn down.  We headed to new lands for me, an isle I've never been to before, Vementry.  A fresh run out, and stopped to check creels along the way.  Finally we landed, and headed up to the old guns.  The guns were used in WWI, to protect the approaches to the naval anchorage at Busta Voe.  They were never fired in anger.  They have never been used since the end of WWI, and been left to rust away for 100 years now.  There was also underground magazines, which still had remains of shell trolleys inside.  The scenery was outstanding, but didn't get much more exploring done, I will return!  Sammy and Marvin's dog Fletcher had a brilliant time charing about too.  

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