Spot the bitey part 2

I got another good chomp off of Spot this evening, this time on my pinky. I was stroking Q and she lunged, not really sure why she does it. It's amazing how she has the ability to somehow create a right-angle with her teeth though, its never upmand down as you'd expect. I am worried this is a behaviour she may never stop, which I would be upset about. I don't mind her biting me, although it hurts a lot, but I hate that she bites the other buns. I'm worried I'll need to separate her and I just don't want to do that. I'll seek advice from some bunny people on ways to manage anxious red eyed bunnies. The red eyes means her sight is poorer than a normal bunny, she also had a really tough start in life, she's a poor wee sausage. Spot is in the pink litter tray looking all sweet and innocent.

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