
Finally got some of my squash onto the allotment - a good 3 hours up there! I love these sacks on Brummie Girls plot - can't wait to see them full of flowers!
Yesterday was Oscars training again. He was a disaster! We started stage 1 of his stop and drop command. This entailed throwing a treat at his feet when he was lokking at you with a arm swing back, forward then raised over the head. Unfortunatly at every swing forward he would look ahead of him to see where the treat went! My last dog was never fooled by a non throw - he would wait and watch my hand till the ball left it. Oscar just didn't get it! The trainer said it usually took a dog 5 minutes to learn but Oscar failed in an hour! He was also disinterested in chasing after toy and has completely forgotten the "Sit, Lie down" command! We have a lot of homework! I went to the M&S Food Hall and consoled myself at having a dog whose brain has gone to mush! 

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