the colour green

By jukeys

last day!

Last Nyons market! Bought some nuts :)

Went for my last (for a while anyway...) coffee in the Palmiers with dad. Quick nip out to Les Pilles to pick up mail and then back for lunch with Caroline, Paddy and the girls.

Spent the afternoon playing with the "Gross Science" chemistry set mum and dad had bought for Elizabeth and Sarah. They loved it. We made poo, snot, an eyeball and farts! Delightful :)

So sad to see them off this afternoon. Wee Sarah kept giving me hugs and later, when I was in the kitchen, I found one of her wee toys in my pocket. She'd obviously put it there without me noticing earlier when they were leaving. Such a wee darlin'.

Packed the car full in the evening.

READY (-ish) TO GO!


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