All things me

By KatiePie

Home again..

It's nice to be back, despite having a lovely time with my family in Norfolk and Mr KP's family in Milton Keynes.
5 days away with two little people and the mutt and 499 miles in the car.

They were good though. All of them. No angels, but then I wouldn't expect that, but they were really good. I'm very proud of them. Muttley included.

Not least because most of their presents got unwrapped and stacked in bags or boxes to come home. Every time they got more, they had a look and they got piled away - 4 houses.
They are so patient.
They didn't even get their presents from us until we got home this evening because they wouldn't fit in the car (and weren't very playable with in other folks' houses)

I have unpacked all the bags and boxes now they're in bed and put them in proper "Christmas morning" piles so they can have a proper rummage in the morning. Lucky buggers!! Need to get them writing many thank you letters I think!

I'm going to backblip but frankly, yesterday's is just a gap filler, I'm not sure I even took any photos *scours iPhone*

It's been a lovely week even with the agonising stomach cramps I had for 4 days out of the 5 that prevented me from eating or drinking anything like a respectable amount of Christmas excess

Hope you've all had a good one too :)

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