a new year!

By Thesalh70

Bargain hunt...Nottingham

had a great sleep. set alarm for 6am but snoozed it til 6.50am. walk out with Pete and then home to get ready for work. am banking on there being no traffic, and i'll literally sail into the city.....

and yes....it happened! 20 mins door to door - and that's how it should be!

set my stall out work wise in what i wanted to achieve today. only a few of us in, and the news about Ash & Kys engagement is met with news of Dan & Abby's engagement! Dan popping the question on Christmas Eve!

wandered out at lunch on a photo mission. i don't do sales, can't be doing with the queues, but i wanted to try and capture the bargain hunt sales rush in Nottingham. think i've done that, though must've looked odd trying to get as close to ground level to take this shot....

back to work and a good days work done. though started to feel really flued up and achey mid afternoon, so much so that i wandered down to boots to get some ultra beechams tablets that would fend off any cold/flu!

Gave Catherine a lift back to the tram and then home. Picked Pete up from mums, he's fully recovered and was certainly on form for the rest of the evening!

downloaded my pics from earlier, and v pleased with the outcome.

going to have an early-ish night tonight, as need to be fully fit for the weekend and New Year!

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