Great, another dry day with a little sun, but rather chilly. Managed to blip my favourite little bird, the wren this morning, glad I got it as there was not much else. Hope you like it.
Home and took the car to the garage as there was a knocking noise coming from underneath, however apparently it is a roll bar and nothing major so it is booked in next Thursday. Had breakfast, steam cleaned the kitchen floor, then had a doctor's appointment for a little spot on  my leg. Went, as many years ago I had a Carcinoma on my leg, so hopefully it is not that. Got ointment to see if it clears.
Got some gardening done, and now roasting a big chicken to share with my furry friends. Got asparagus and Jersey potatoes, then strawberries and ice cream.
My extra is of course my little pond as it is looking lovely now with all the flowers out and the other is my girl with her ball this morning.

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