
By HeartFreek

Very Very Sleepy Sir

Well I cannot remember a worse night sleep since having a baby!!!!

Apologies to my FB friends but I'm going to repeat myself!!!

So, after having waited up for Mr W who was at the cinema, I was banished the 'Snore Room' in the office at 0130. Its quite close to the front Door. I had also introduced Bella to a new bed in the kitchen in a different position that she tends to prefer as I'm hoping to get rid of the crate she's had since a puppy. 

0150 - Just as I fall asleep in the office, I hear "ding dong - battery low" repeat several times. Husbands crash helmet in office. It eventually died and said "goodbye".

0410 I thought I heard Bella screaming - the most awful blood curdling, painful scream like she was dying so I jumped out of office bed and ran to her making a fuss of her. In my sleepy stupour, I bring her to bed in the snore room. She seemed fine and quite excited to be in my bed and settled quite well. The scream then happened again which then made Bella bark so it was then that I realised it was a fox!!! A bloody Fox!!!! Right on the front drive!!! (I hate foxes).

0415 I retreat to sofa to stop Bella barking at the screaming foxes.
0430 settle Bella on the sofa with me.
0445 Bella scratches at the door for a wee.
0500 Bella glares at me for snoring.
0510 Bella fidgets laying on me.
0530 Bella snores.
0545 Bella changes positions - still on me.
0600 someone upstairs gets up for a wee - Bella gets excited.
0640 Give up on sleep and go to write reports. Ipad battery dead.

By this time I was crabby, severely sleep deprived and wondering how on earth I was going to manage the day!!! I'm too old for sleep deprivation!!!

Anyway, I soldiered on. I went to work. It was a no show and the child thought it was funny to scream a really high pitched scream in the car park because it sounded all echoey. 

I got home earlier then expected which was the first bonus of the day. Bella jumped on my lap and caught a bracelet which pinged silver beads all over the dining room. 

I then planned a nice dog walk with Daughter Number 1 but the heavens opened. It was far to wet to walk.  

I then took advantage of Daughter Number 1 being home to Puppy sit so went on a date with Mr W to the cinema to watch Pets Life 2 but had to wait for him to play squash first. We were cutting it fine for him to come back and get me after squash so I went with him and sat in the car and managed to bash out all my reports. I have no idea as I was just SO tired.
I struggled to stay awake but the film was funny.

After a quick bite to eat in 'Bella Italia' (it had to be!) - we finally got home. I have never felt so desperate for my bed!! 

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