Sale Socks

Just to confirm our herd credentials we went and had a look at the sales today. It was pretty nightmarish in places (Topman particularly was absolutely rammed with teenagers in baseball caps and backpacks aimlessly bashing into each other like extras in 'Dawn of the Dead...') but any day that involves the purchase of stripy socks and caramel latte is most certainly not a day wasted...!

#2: 'This Many Boyfriends' by This Many Boyfriends

...difficult to describe just how fond I am of the last two entries in my 2012 chart - which have switched places any number of times in the last few days - but it's definitely approaching fanboy levels. The debut from Leeds' This Many Boyfriends is a near perfect 29 minute burst of punkish indiepop - the sound of young men with guitars jumping up and down in the pure unbridled celebration of their own youth and record collections (...though obviously they've not all got guitars and the drummer is a girl!) Joyous and infectious.

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