
It was my pets shop 30th birthday and they had a Dog Show and stalls so we went  along to celebrate. It had been raining so i wasn't sure how many people would turn up. It was packed - nose to tail dogs! Quite a few Huskies and some other seriously large dogs! Oscar was really well behaved, even when we were stalked by a husky! His owner kept coming up to chat and both dogs wanted to play and it so wasn't the place for two huge dogs to play! I kept moving away and then there they would be again! There were also some seriously gorgeous hens - we stayed well away from them!
I enetred oscar in the handsome Dog category. There had only been 9 bitches but about 25 dogs! So instead of a good inspection and walk each dog got a 10-15 seconds look over! One of the judges knew his breed and asked if I was going to show him - I said no and that he only had one ball so even if I wanted to he wouldn't meet the show standard! She said not to woryy to Oscar! Come the result did Oscar get third place? No. Second? No. First? No! Was I aghast,?I was right royally p****ed Off! The whole time people as usual had been coming up to ask about him and yet he didn't even get a place! I mean you have seen photos of him - he is gorgeous! He's not just a novelty factor! I didn't stay for the 10th class of Best In Show and the 11th of dog the judges would most like to take home. I did have the two classes on my badge and I like to think he would have won at least one of those and thats why he didn't get placed in the other class! But with my IBS playing up I didn't want to wait for hours plus one slap in the face was enough!
On chatting on facebook later to the woman who is in the Berger Picard society and arranges the stand at Crufts , she said their scruffy appearance doesn't lend them to winning. Scruffy?!!! I prefer to say he has tousled golden locks! I'm such a sore looser! Oscar wasn't bothered!

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