Vaguely Marvellous

By Benelia

Great Great (Great?) Aunt May Tracy

For her homework, Amelia has been asked to create a Victorian character for herself, as they are doing the Victorians for their next topic at school. My mum has an old suitcase full of letters from her side of the family, so we went through them today to find a suitable character. May must have been about 10 when she wrote this. She was by then living in England again, but as a baby she and her parents had travelled to New Zealand by boat, we have another letter from her father describing the journey, it sounds pretty horrendous. There are a couple of these thank you letters to Uncle Paul, both very formal and proper, and full of references to parties!

Today we also went to see "Boing", a children's dance show which was great fun, highly recommended if you want something to do with a child or two and are in London over the next few days.

I am a bit improved, but Marc is getting the lurgy now, and Ben still seems a bit under the weather.

Edit: it took us a while, but we worked out that May was in fact Amelia's first cousin, three times removed....!

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