Norwich Airport

Unfortunately not me jetting off somewhere nice. I haven't flown since 1994! This was sent to me by Mollie as her and Josh boarded their flight to Rhodes from Norwich. Thankfully they arrived safely and she has sent me a short video of her hotel, and view over the complex from their balcony. It looks lovely. No rain. I'm very jealous! Can't imagine why she doesn't want to come on our camping holidays!!

Today has been ridiculously wet. Jon drove to the park and ride in my car, then went to work. His car was having a service and mot. He picked me up at 5. It failed so he needs my car again tomorrow while his is fixed and hopefully passes. We are still looking at petrol cars that might be able to tow, but at least we have one more year on this one, and the fix is cheaper than buying a new car (At least, I hope it is!!!)

Jon made kedgeree for dinner while I made a few more cards, then I went to dancing for an hour. My legs still ache after yesterdays run. Not sure how I will fare tomorrow, as it should be week 5 day 1 and I'll be doing it on my own, with Moll away :(.

A bit of tv, then bed I think.

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