All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Wallace & Gromit do the Usher Hall

I’m still on the injury bench just now so I volunteered at Polkemmet Country parkrun today. Very frustrating not being able to join in with the run though.

Then a trip to Edinburgh as I’d got bargain tickets through a website I’m on the mailing list for, to see Wallace & Gromit with a live orchestra at the Usher Hall. I think I enjoyed it more than Ethan!

Hubbie was too tight to pay for parking in town so had dropped us off, then went to park before joining us. I didn’t realise till we started walking back to the car that he’d parked at the far end of Morningside, closer to Fairnilehead’

Had worked up an appetite after that, so went to Hot Flame for their all you can eat buffet.

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