
By daisyconnor

Summer Breeze

It's all in my mind!

More rain and a bit stir crazy so I had a bash at recreating a summer drink which is supposed to have...... Doorly's 3 year old white rum, Tosolini limoncello liqueur,  Briottet elderflower liqueur, fresh lemon juice, a dessert spoon of Granny Gothard's elderflower sorbet and Bradley's elderflower presse. Finally said summer breeze should be garnished with elderflowers, violas and fresh lemon.

Clearly the wrong sort of  flowers, along with a stick of cinnamon bunged into a glass filled with milk water and ice doesn't really cut the mustard so  I don't think I'll bother to patent it. 

The extra shows how it's supposed to look. But I'm betting they also used milk water! 


Right, I'm off for a lie down! 

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