Capital adventures

By marchmont

Blip birthday present

Nothing special, nothing spectacular, nothing contrived. Truth is I thought it was tomorrow, but then those leap years do catch you out.

Today I started making the bottom tier of a wedding cake. I will spend most of this evening mixing it, I think. I spoke to #1 son, on a much better line than Tuesday, I got a removal quote, I bought girls socks (small feet) and yet another pair of black shoes, in the JL Clearance. I looked at tartan and collected the cake tins, I went to look at the new gallery at Summerhall. I ended Virgin (having started talktalk yesterday) and arranged for BG to call to assess the boiler and I went to buy brown paper and ended up with a Chinese hand painted teapot. Such beautiful fish.

So I've decided to present it to myself, for my 730th blip.

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