On Human Nature

I see that David Hume’s big toe is suffering the same fate as poor Greyfriars Bobby’s nose. His fault for saying that passion, not reason, governs human behaviour. Rub away ya rockets.
I was up there to meet the daughter for a catch up and we managed to find a place to sit in the sun at the foot of Victoria Street. A French place: for the well heeled. And the daughter was good and looking very businesslike we both did agree.
After that the SK headed Grantonwards and I went for a ‘tidy up’ - I’ve been letting it grow. So, holiday money in pocket, it was back home to pack and water the pot plants.
I did wander over to the boat club meeting later and there was only Andy G there! Subsequently I found that a last minute cancellation email had indeed been winged out, but excluding your scribe! The forgotten man. If I was a statue I think I’d be wholly rubbed out.

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