Soggy Doggy and 2 true stories.

I went into town this morning to try and get my phone fixed. £275 for a new screen???? No thanks. It can stay broken for now. Mr W and I just popped into a coffee shop with Bella and got properly drowned in the process.

We had so many compliments on Bellas behavior and lots of stops for strokes!

So - a true storey. And a true coincidence. Mr W ordered some squash shoes off ebay. He's never used ebay before.They arrived this morning and they are too small so he tried to look for details on returning them and found the stockist to be in Wivlesfield, quite close to where we live so he called them to ask if he could deliver them personally. He told the man he was playing in a squash match in Haywards Heath tonight and the man only went and said so was he - they were playing in the same MATCH!!!!!! What are the chances!!!!! He bought them off ebay...there are millions of sellers on ebay and he just happens to be seeing him tonight. I think thats dead spooky.

My other true storey is - I went to work this afternoon. I have to collect a child close to a school and always arrive half an hour early to avoid the bad school traffic. I got there before the children were even out of school and parked up and waited. I then had a knock on my window and an irate mother thanked me for totally drowning her and her daughter as I drove through a big puddle. I told her it wasn't me as I had been sitting there for the last half an hour. She scoffed and walked off, obviously not believing me. I was not amused at being accused of something I certainly didn't do and I would never knowingly drive through a puddle at speed and get people - especially children - soaking wet. Who does she think I am! So I drove further down the road and confronted her and made her apologise for being so rude. She sarcastically did then told me to go away. How bloody rude. It bothered me for some time. 

Then home from work to an evening with Daughter Number 1 who is back after a few days away with her BF. We had a lovely catch up and the house was all nice and clean!!!!

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