
8th June 2019:

These are 58 of the 68 girls who have just completed their Form 4 term with us this year. They now go on to their MSCE state exams.

They each got a certificate and a hand made paper hats, and decorations add a little at almost no cost.

Sadly very few will go on to third level, but we have achieved our principal goal of no marriage and no pregnancy for the last four years. 

Sadly we lost two to marriage, but they were 20 year olds who ran away with their similarly aged boyfriends, which is not so bad 

The one white face in the middle of things is Kirsty from University College, Cork, Ireland, who is doing her internship with us as part of her degree, in  International Development and Food.

She was Guest of Honour at the celebration and is doing an amazing job in all our projects and is so much part of the action

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