New born chamois

Feeling very honoured today to have spent the morning on a blip meet with HilarysView

and TonyG.

The weather was against us but we made the most of it anyway.

The first ‘first’ for me today was a hare that we spotted from the car! Next was three new born chamois (main photo, lightened and slightly cropped) with their mothers on the mountainside above us. Thanks to HilarysView, our guide, for knowing exactly where to go.

TonyG had me looking out for flowers and I was embarrassed how few of the names I knew. The Alpine Snowbells (extra) are another first for me. The other extras show some of the stunning scenery we saw during the day despite the rain.

Great to spend time with fellow blippers. I hope the weather improves for the rest of TonyG’s visit although the forecast isn’t good.

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