With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

And don't be late!

I wasn't that late, but she was very pleased to see me.

had a very quiet start to the day, just walking to the plaza and about with Angel. My artist in residence was working away in the cellar, so we had a good chat and then I massacred the capon from yesterday.


In the evening we gathered at Can Pintxos and I was showered with presents, kisses and hugs. There was some singing going on upstairs with Lynne and some Mallorquin friends so people could drift up and down if they wanted. It was lovely and at the end Tree got them to sing me happy birthday, which was really delightful and rather emotional.

We were gradually whittled down to the hardcore usual suspects for a quick one outside at Bar Nadal, marvelling at our beautiful town.

Thanks everyone for making such a lovely evening and for being such fabulous friends.

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