
I woke up first today and began getting things ready for the morning. I was so excited for the boy's to see what Santa had brought.

Suddenly my husband came bounding downstairs saying that our oldest is really sick. I run upstairs to find him covered in vomit and absolutely burning up. He starts to shake uncontrollably as we try and get his soiled clothes and blankets dealt with. I get Tylenol and water into him, and my mom just holds him. Our youngest is still sitting in the room waiting to go downstairs, but he's so worried about his big brother.

We take them both downstairs and make a little nest for our sick boy. He's barely coherent and constantly just nods off. I almost can't get his fever to come down and end up giving him a cool bath. It seems to work, and then he sleeps the next several hours.

Christmas goes on all around him, and I'm desperate to keep him involved, but he's just too sick. I'm sure it was more traumatic for me than him, but I feel so bad that he missed the magic. That magic being time with family that we rarely get and all the buzz of Christmas.

I took 5 photos the entire day, and that makes me sad too, but my children will always come before anything else, including my camera.

I sure hope he feels better tomorrow...

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