A MIMent In Time

By justmim


It's often the little things that make the biggest difference in life :)

Well with the wet weather continuing it has been an indoorsy boxing day but enjoyable all the same :)

Morning was mostly spent on online chat with O2 to sort out my contract upgrade - which seems to have been well timed as my phone has taken to switching itself off more frequently than usual!

Wee wander down to Auntie Gwen's with mum for a natter.

We had a guest for dinner which was nice for a change - even if it meant having 2 Daniels in the house! Grace was said in Polish and English & we learned the names of some Polish cities in a game of Scattergories.

Mum and I also had some Scrabble company!

Inspired by relatives we've just been making and drinking hot chocolate with a difference...so with that it's time to switch off, wind down and try to make some more progress with Les Mis!


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