Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Another Long Day

After we'd walked M and E to school and waved their parents off to the airport, we treated ourselves to breakfast at the local patisserie - a very naughty pain au raisin (the diet is suspended for the duration of the grand parenting duties). 

Then we got the 65 bus down to Kew Gardens (the heavens opened just as we arrived, but the sun came out again soon).

There's a wonderful exhibition on at the moment. Installations in coloured glass from the workshop of US artist and designer Dale Chihuly.  I saw his work at Kew years ago and was blown away (terrible pun - it is blown glass ....)  They really are quite spectacular.

I took lots of pictures, I'll put in extras.  But I'm too shattered to write much .... after we picked the children up, we went to the park, met up with Al, Nico and Hal and they all came back for tea.  Then we took Em to Beavers - they were boating on the Thames - chaos-  and Matty managed to soak himself (where there's water he'll fall in it), so TM had to drive back o to the house for a change of clothes for him before he could go to Cubs. Hot baths all round and a lot of supper required, and a very late night for them. And I'll be going to bed as soon as I finish this!

Thanks to Ingeborg for continued hosting of Abstract Thursday.

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