Good Point

I've felt off kilter all day...just feeling a bit at odds...strange!
A friend borrowed our car after theirs got towed away last night! 200€ to recover it! She, her daughter, and brother in-law all came over for the afternoon...Asha and Nate were very happy! Then after Asha's Catalan we went up to Sa Penya to say happy birthday to one of the ended up being such a lovely time, just what I needed. Sole (on the right of the pic) and I had a really good natter about all sorts. Chicho is on the left, his home is where we usually have the 3x a week meeting if it's not in the street. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The ridiculousness of Nate - he's been out today (insisting on) wearing his swimming shorts and my exfoliation gloves. Even by Ibiza 'no boundaries' fashion sense, Nate was pushing the limits, ha!
2) Voicenotes from Amanda.
3) Friendships in Sa Penya.

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