French TV Crew

Dry first thing, and then it started raining!  It rained all day, finally stopping at 4pm.  A fine evening now.

I've been working in the Croft House Museum all day.  I had about 30 odd visitors and never stopped talking all day.  I had one German man in, he was so moved by his visit, he left really emotional, and reduced to tears.  I picked up niece Elise after work, and she came to help me get some bedding flowers.  Mam and dad arrived home today, and popped by for a cuppa this evening.  Me and mam took Sammy out walkies.  Off to work in the pub later. 

I had some French visitors in this afternoon too.  They were here filming for Arte TV channel, and the show is Invitation au Voyage.  I got involved with the filming, I've been a shadow actor, walking by the fire!  And my hands also got filmed, lighting the paraffin lamp, fame will come at last.  I await calls from Hollywood.  Here they are filming the peat fire, at the Croft House Museum, South Voe, Boddam. 

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