Another Lime Kiln and a Quarry

After waiting in most of the day for two large boxes (containing 2 bikes),  destined for M in Norway, to be collected I set off to find another lime kiln. It was a good job someone had already put a geocache out and told us where to park, because the route took us up tiny limestone tracks and if I had not been assuring Mr P that a parking area was ahead he would have stopped miles away. We found ourselves in the Township Plantation that was given to the people of Crosthwaite and Lyth after the Enclosures Acts in 1815. One extra is a large limestone wheel next to a plaque marking the date although its difficult to read. We explored further and found the remains of quarries - main blip.  Too much limestone, I think to fuel the small kiln (extra) which will have belonged to a farmer. Internet research reveals that the parish made a lot of money selling limestone bits (shilla) when the A590 trunk road was built in the 1970s and this money invested still provides income today for the benefit of the community. The quarries have closed but they make for interesting walks
Im entering them all  for Derelict Sunday because I had an interesting walk 

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